3-in-1 OSL T校正キット、DC~6 GHz、N型(メス)
Type-N female 'T' Cal Kit, open-short-load 50ohm Tee DC to 6GHz,
Cal kit specifications
Frequency range: DC to 6 GHz
Input power: +25 dBm max
Source match: ≥ 35 dB
Directivity: ≥ 42 dB
Impendence: 50 Ω
Open specifications
Female offset length: 21.287 mm
Phase tolerance: 1.25 degrees
RL: ≤ 0.10 dB
Load specifications
DC resistance: 50 Ω ± 0.5 Ω
RL: ≥ 42 dB
Short specifications
Female offset length: 21.287 mm
Phase tolerance: 0.85 degrees
RL: ≤ 0.10 dB
N9910X-810 x 2pcs
位相安定ケーブル、N型(オス)-N型(オス)、約1.5 m
Rugged Phase Stable Cable, Type-N(m) to N(m), 60 inches(1.5m),
T Cal Kit Type-N(f) + Rugged Phase Stable Cable, Type-N(m) to N(m)